Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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Octosporella nematospora Döbbeler & F. Berger
Döbbeler, Berger, Negrín Piñero & Vega, Herzogia 31: 105 (2018)
MycoBank: MB 824610
Holotype: New Zealand, South Island, Canterbury: Mt. Cook Village, Governer's track, 770-900 m, Nothofagus forest, 14-Jan-2017, F. Berger 31639 (M)
Ascomata: perithecia-like, ellipsoidal, sometimes slightly claviform or almost cylindrical, orange to orange red, setose, 280-380 x 160-250 µm, setae covering the ascomatal surface, especially dens in the upper part
Paraphyses: filiform, with few ramifications, apically not enlarged, 2-3 µm wide
Asci: cylindrical to slightly claviform, 90-125 x 17-20 µm, 8-spored
Ascospores: elongated cylindrical to subfiliform, in the middle part usually slightly thicker than towards the gradually narrowed ends, straight or somewhat bent, fasciculate, 80-105 x 5-6 µm
Host: Frullania spec.
Infectious structures: infects the leaf cells, appressoria sessile to short stipitate, 19-27 µm long and 12-18 µm wide in surface view
Habitat: on the epiphytic liverwort Frullania in Nothofagus forest
Distribution: New Zealand

  • Döbbeler, P., Berger, F., Piñero, R.N. & Vega, M. 2018. Octosporella microtricha and O. nematospora – Two New Pezizalean Ascomycetes on Frullania. - Herzogia. 31: 101–108.

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